Mike Ghouse, May 13, 2007
My first response to this hook was; Yehud Olmert must be losing the support from the Israeli's really bad to have resorted to this.
People around the globe have different preferences, perhaps the number one priority for the Israelis is peace, so that they can go about living their daily life feeling secure. Moving the capital to Jerusalem is conceivably at the bottom of their list.

The Indians may have wryly said to the BJP party in the last national elections 'go ahead and build the temple, you are the one's that need the blessings', but we will support those who can create jobs, keep the streets cleaner and facilitate potable water. The Israelis probably would put safety first.
All politicians who are on the losing edge use the same tactics. Beware of them.
Mike Ghouse
I just found these two pieces.... below to read.
Most Israelis oppose Olmert: poll
A newspaper poll shows 63 per cent of Israelis want Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to resign, in a sharp public backlash over his handling of the war in Lebanon.
Israel's biggest circulation newspaper, the Yedioth Aronoth, calls the poll a political "earthquake" for the Olmert Government.
A career politician who lacks the combat credentials of many of his predecessors, Mr Olmert has seen his public standing decline sharply for failing to deliver a fatal blow to militant group Hezbollah, which is based in southern Lebanon and backed by Iran and Syria.
The Yedioth poll for the first time shows a majority wants Mr Olmert to step down.
In addition to calling for Mr Olmert's resignation, 74 per cent of respondents say Defence Minister Amir Peretz should go and 54 per cent want Army chief Dan Halutz to step down.
An August 16 poll published by Yedioth showed 41 per cent of Israelis wanted Mr Olmert to resign and 57 per cent wanted Mr Peretz to go.
At least 1,110 Lebanese people and 157 Israelis were killed in the conflict.
Aside from Israel's ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, Israel suffered heavier civilian casualties in the Lebanon conflict than in any fighting since the war at the creation of the Jewish state in 1948.
- Reuters
Polls: Most Israelis want Olmert to resign
By israelinsider staff May 2, 2007
Polls: Most Israelis want Olmert to resign
By israelinsider staff May 2, 2007
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A poll conducted by Haaretz-Dialog a day after the release of the Winograd report revealed that about 40 percent of the respondents are hoping Israel will hold new elections. Professor Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University's statistics department ran the poll.
According to a Yedioth Ahronoth poll conducted by the Dahaf Institute, 51 percent think new elections should be held, while 23 percent would like the leadership to change without elections.
The Haaretz poll found that between 10 and 17 percent of Israelis believe the current government should remain in office, but that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert should be replaced by Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud), Vice Premier Shimon Peres, or Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.
Only nine percent of the Haaretz respondents and 10 percent of the Ynetnews respondents support the current government.
As far as public opinion on the Prime Minister, the Winograd report has not had a great impact on the public's views. Sixty-eight percent want Olmert to resign, a number which closely matches earlier polls that asked the same question. The Ynetnews poll had similar results, with 65 percent saying Olmert should resign.
Almost a quarter of those polled (23 percent) by Haaretz believe Olmert should stay in his post in order to fix his mistakes. The Ynetnews poll found that 27 percent think Olmert should be given a chance to correct his mistakes.
In Haaretz's regular bimonthly poll about how many Knesset each party should receive if elections were held now, Likud is in the lead with 30 seats. The Labor party follows with 21 seats.
Similarly, Benjamin Netanyahu is seen as the most suitable replacement for Prime Minister Olmert. On a scale of 1 to 10, Netanyahu leads with 5.27. Tzipi Livni follows in second place at 5.03, and Peres was rated 4.91 out of 10.
Netanyahu was also chosen as the person respondents would most like to have as prime minister with over a quarter (26 percent) choosing him, followed by Peres with 11 percent, Livni at 10 percent, and Barak and Olmert with only 6 percent each.
The Ynetnews poll also found Netanyahu is the favorite candidate to replace Olmert, with 29 percent. However, twice the percentage of those polled chose Livni (20 percent), 10 percent chose Ehud Barak. Olmert, as in the Haaretz poll, only received 6 percent.
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