The biggest winners are the American Public and losers are the Republicans
Article follows my commentary.
HEALTH CARE is a national priority right after the defense of the nation. We need a safe and a healthy America. Healthy Americans can be more productive and produce more tax dollars to offset the investment. As Republicans have it, it is not a charity, it is an investment in productive citizenry. Congratulations to ev...ery American! This is one of the best things that has happened in America. Thank you Mr. President
The Eisenhower road system cost us trillions, it was considered a sheer waste at one time; on the other hand it gave America mobility and automobiles, home construction jumped - it boomed our economy and enriched us with quality of life that you can only imagine.
Education system, no child left behind program is a serious investment in our future, it is not a hand out, it is an investment that keeps us up with the world and perhaps ahead.... See More... See More
This reform will enrich every American, it is not a charity, it is a serious investment in well being of Americans that make America.
I am a damned Republican too, who wanted to oppose every good reckelessly, but we owe it our country and not the party. Republicans are loosing big time, and they will loose a whole lot more ground until they come to senses, and reflect American values and conncet with Americans. A majority of Republicans like me are silently enduring the extremist take over of our party. It is time to change and we need moderate people in the leadership and not extremist right wingers. We have a choice to let the party go to dogs or survive in the interest of democracy and have serious oppostion in the governance.
Mike Ghouse
Health Care Reform Winners and Losers
Steve Pendlebury
AOL News (March 22) -- House passage of his health care bill is President Barack Obama's biggest triumph since his election. But Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Bart Stupak are also high on the list of those getting credit -- or blame -- on the day after the history-making vote. Here's some of what's being said online about who won and who lost.
Winner: President Obama
Commentators across the political spectrum acknowledged the monumental significance of Obama's victory on health care reform. Slate's John Dickerson called it "a turning point in his presidency."
"Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it happen, but Obama worked harder and more intensely than he has on any other issue of his presidency," Dickerson said -- noting that, unlike emergencies such as the auto industry bailout and economic stimulus package, this was a project the president chose to take on.
"If Barack Obama does nothing else in his term in office, this will make him one of the most consequential presidents in history. It's a huge transformative event in Americans' view of themselves and of the role of government," said National Review Online's Mark Steyn.
The conservative blogger added that it's "hard to overestimate the magnitude of what the Democrats have accomplished." However, Steyn warned that Obama's plan would lead to "longer wait times, fewer doctors, more bureaucracy, massive IRS expansion, explosive debt, the end of the Pax Americana, and global Armageddon."
Not everyone on the left is cheering the president's win, either. Pro-choice groups are upset about his agreement to issue an executive order clarifying the ban of federal funding of abortion -- a deal with Stupak that helped push the bill past the magic 216-vote mark. The National Organization for Women charged that Obama's decision "breaks faith with women," and NARAL Pro-Choice America called it "deeply disappointing."
Winner: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
While the reforms that eventually are enacted will no doubt be branded Obamacare, they are also very much Pelosi's handiwork.
"When the history books are written, it'll be Pelosi's cajoling, wrangling, consoling and corralling of the fractious big tent Democratic majority which will get the credit for passing health care reform," Japhy Grant predicted on True/Slant.
Salon's Steve Kornacki noted that the nation's first female speaker of the House has "racked up an impressive list of achievements" since Obama took office, such as the stimulus bill, cap-and-trade, and now health care. "For a woman who supposedly hails from her party's left-wing fringe, she sure has a knack for winning over moderates when it matters."
"If she's not the best [speaker] to do this job, she's certainly in the top two or three in history," said House Democratic Whip Jim Clyburn.
Her success on health care makes Pelosi an even bigger target for her critics. GOP Chairman Michael Steele declared immediately after the House vote: "It is time to fire Nancy Pelosi." The Republican National Committee's Web site now redirects to -- a fundraising page featuring a photo of a defiant-looking House speaker on a background of flames. Of course, there's a Twitter hash tag #FirePelosi for those who agree with Steele. But there's also the hash tag #hotforspeaker for those who don't.
As far as the likelihood of Pelosi actually losing her job goes, "Saturday Night Live" recently addressed the matter in a sketch about how unpopular the health care bill was. At one point, Fred "Obama" Armisen remarked: "Does anyone seriously think Nancy Pelosi could lose in her San Francisco district? A place where Republican candidates often finish fourth, behind professional dominatrixes and homeless people."
Winner and Loser: Rep. Bart Stupak
The Michigan Democrat who insisted on tough anti-abortion language in the House-passed version of health care reform was a hero to abortion opponents. That changed in just a few hours Sunday when Stupak agreed to vote yes after Obama promised an executive order to satisfy anti-abortion Democrats.
The Susan B. Anthony List has stripped Stupak of the "Defender of Life" award it was to present to him Wednesday night. Marjorie Dannenfelser, the group's Campaign Fund president, issued a statement saying anyone who votes for this health care bill "can no longer call themselves 'pro-life.'"
Big Journalism's Izzy Lyman blasted Stupak as a "liar" in a post that was typical of reaction from the right. Lyman accused the abortion foe of "trading his 'yes' vote for a 'worthless, non-binding' executive order." Other conservatives pointed out such an order can be trumped by a federal law.
Stupak came out on the winning end of the vote. But on the question of whether he ranks as a winner or loser, Politics Daily's David Gibson called it a draw.
"Before all this, Bart Stupak was a little-noticed congressman from northern Michigan, and while it's clear he gained an enormous amount of national recognition in these past months, it is also clear that among conservative pro-lifers his reputation has been seriously tarnished. The 'Judas' charge quickly zipped around the anti-abortion blogosphere," Gibson said.
Loser: The Guy Who Yelled 'Baby Killer' at Stupak
For more than a year, the debate over revamping the nation's health care system has been notable for its lack of civility. After reports of protesters screaming racial and anti-gay slurs at Democratic lawmakers, House Minority Leader John Boehner had to tell his members to "behave like grown-ups" if the bill passed.
But it seems every major event on Capitol Hill these days must have its "You lie!" moment. While Stupak was speaking about abortion funding Sunday night, somebody on the House floor -- apparently a lawmaker -- shouted "Baby killer!" But who? If anyone knows for sure, they're not saying.
"It was on the floor, but it wasn't very far behind me," Rep. John Campbell, R-Calif., told reporters. "But it was definitely on the floor, but it wasn't me. I don't think it's appropriate at all."
Later, Campbell told Talking Points Memo, "I am being told it's a Texan. The people who know won't give it up."
Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, refused to identify the shouter, but added "I can make a guess." However, his fellow Republicans Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Tom Price of Georgia denied it was a congressman.
UPDATE 2:15 PM: Rep. Randy Neugebauer has admitted he did it. The Texas Republican said Monday afternoon he has apologized to Stupak and his House colleagues.
Scare tactics were the big loser in the health care battle, according to Paul Krugman. The New York Times columnist charged that "the emotional core of opposition to reform was blatant fear-mongering, unconstrained either by the facts or by any sense of decency." Krugman called the House vote "a victory for America's soul" -- adding, "This time, fear struck out."
The president's opponents are already vowing to strike back at the polls in November. As Politics Daily's Jill Lawrence notes, it remains to be seen how health care will affect the next election. But even short-term gains in Congress pale in comparison to what David Frum described as the "most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s" for conservatives and Republicans.
"Legislative majorities come and go. This health care bill is forever," the conservative columnist wrote on Frum Forum.
Filed under: Nation, Politics, Top Stories, The Point
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
3000 THANKS; What are you most likely to say?
Just imagine if aliens from different planets gather in a convention on “Protecting the Universe” held on Planet Zenorina. The first thing we would do, is to introduce each other when we meet face to face with the “others” and while banging the heads (their custom) what would you say about yourselves?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
A tribute to Elliott Dlin

A tribute to Dr. Elliott Dlin
6:00 PM, March 3, 2010
I am saddened to hear the loss of our own; Dr. Elliott Dlin from the Jewish community of Dallas. I am stressed up, I cannot believe this. We had a dinner last week on February 23rd with our group after the Holocaust event at SMU.
On Wednesday 24th, he shoots me an email to go for lunch to talk about the conference on Holocaust and Genocides I have scheduled, I could not meet with him then, I get another email to meet at Bishop McGriff's funeral on Friday 26th. Alas, we had connected.
I have known Elly since 2006, we have worked together at two of the three Ho

I had invited him to a meeting at the Memnosyne Foundation in 2008, and from there he became friends with us at Memnoysne as well and he was part of the interfaith service network advisory. We planned a interfaith work to clean and paint the holocaust museum, where people from different faith joined in for the project.
Eliott was the Directors of Dallas Holocaust Museum and through his encouragement I became a member of the Museuem.
The foundation for Pluralism honored him with aplaque recognizing his work in the community at the 2nd Annual Holocaust and Genocides commemoration -

I mourn the loss of a friend, from God we come and to God we go.
May your soul be blessed and rest in peace. Amen
Mike Ghouse, Chair
Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides
Dallas, Texas
Shared by the Dallas Holocauts Museum at 4:00 PM March 4, 2010
Elliott Dlin: The Ultimate Upstander
Dear Friends,
On Wednesday, March 3rd, we lost a friend and Holocaust scholar. Elly Dlin brought as much passion and knowledge as anyone could to our mission to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and to teach the moral and ethical response to prejudice, hatred and indifference, for the benefit of all humanity.
Elly's enthusiasm for teaching about the Holocaust and genocide made it impossible for his audiences to be indifferent; he had the power to transform bystanders into Upstanders. His contributions to the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance were many, but his most remarkable and impressive was the exhibit he set up at our current Record Street location, which now serves as the foundation for all that we do. To say he will be missed is an understatement.
Elly fulfilled many roles, but just last Sunday, he performed a comedy routine at the DHM/CET Purim Party in his Edmonton Oilers hockey jersey. A man of many talents and many friends. And, many have expressed an interest in making contributions to the DHM/CET in Elly's memory. Your sincere support is very much appreciated. We will be working to create a lasting and appropriate memorial to Elly, what he stood for, and his many contributions to the DHM/CET. Your input would be most welcome as we proceed in a thoughtful discussion on how to best honor Elly's legacy.
"A different world cannot be built by indifferent people"
Elliott Dlin, an internationally-regarded expert on the Holocaust and Museum Director of the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance, devoted his life to fighting indifference.
Dlin believed that indifference is not a neutral position. The Holocaust, he said, would not have been possible without the inaction of so many who stood by from 1933-1945. In dozens of lectures to teachers, school students and community groups, Dlin championed the term "Upstander"--someone who stands up to racism, prejudice and indifference.
"The Holocaust is the turning point in modern history that transformed the unimaginable into the replicable," he said recently. "It demands involvement and vigilance, and its lessons must be taught anew to each generation."
Dlin, 57, died Wednesday, following a heart attack. Services will be 2 p.m. Sunday in Edmonton, Canada, where he was born. A memorial service in Dallas is pending.
"Elly brought as much passion and knowledge as any one could to our mission to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and to teach the moral and ethical response to prejudice, hatred and indifference, for the benefit of all humanity," said Thomas S. Halsey, Chairman of the Board of the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance. "His enthusiasm for teaching about the Holocaust and genocide made it impossible for his audiences to be indifferent; he could transform bystanders into Upstanders."
Rabbis William Gershon, David Glickman and Joseph Menashe of Congregation Shearith Israel said, "Elly was not only a wonderful Holocaust Scholar, but an excellent communicator who deeply touched so many lives. Our hearts go out to the Dlin Family, his colleagues at the Holocaust Museum, as well as to the entire Jewish community. His passing is a true loss for all of us."
Dlin joined the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance as its Executive Director in January 2002, when the Museum was located at the Jewish Community Center of Dallas. In 2005, the Museum relocated to 211 N. Record St. in Dallas' West End Historic District. Dlin personally developed the Museum's current exhibition, which examines one day in the Holocaust-April 19, 1943-from three different perspectives. The Museum hosts more than 50,000 visitors annually.
"Elly's contributions to the DHM/CET were many, but his most remarkable and impressive was the exhibit he set up at our Record Street location, which now serves as the foundation for all that we do," said Halsey. "To say he will be missed is an understatement."

Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Elliott Dlin emigrated to Israel in 1977 after completing an MA in Modern European History from The University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Initially, he taught high school in Jerusalem, then spent 22 years in senior positions for Yad Vashem, Israel's national museum and memorial to the Holocaust in Jerusalem. Dlin worked in the education department where he focused on developing and writing curriculum as well as training teachers to teach about the Holocaust. He helped establish the "International Seminars for Teaching Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust," a multi-language, multi-dimensional program that continues today. From 1993 to 1999, he served as director of the Valley of Communities, a 2.5-acre commemorative site in Yad Vashem where he lectured and curated more than a dozen exhibitions.
In Dallas, Dlin was a passionate speaker and captivating educator. His lectures and presentations wove together historical fact and moral perspective, often leaving spell-bound audience members wanting to hear more. He specialized in bringing a comprehensive worldview to the approach of teaching about the Holocaust, believing memory is both personal and communal.
In January, Dlin was Guest Scholar at Temple Emanu-El for a three-part lecture series entitled, Understanding the Holocaust: Changing Reflections in Film, Media and Beyond. On February 23, he was a presenter and panelist for a program at Southern Methodist University exploring the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission, established by the Texas Legislature and signed by Gov. Rick Perry last June.
At the time of his death, Dlin was nearing completion of a Ph.D. dissertation in Museum Education at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, the subject of which is a comparative study of Holocaust Museums in North America.
Dlin is survived by his wife, Carol Bachman-Dlin; four sons, Yeshai, Oren, Ronen and Raviv; his mother, Helen Dlin; his brother, Dr. Arnold Dlin; a sister, Bonnie Cassios; and many nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made in Dlin's name to the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance, the American Heart Association or to Yad Vahsem.
Elly at a Feb. 23 panel
Elly was a presenter and panelist at the Museum's Feb. 23 event at SMU, exploring the Texas Commission on Holocaust and Genocide, co-sponsored by the Memnosyne Foundation and the SMU Human Rights Program
Elly at the Feb. 28 Purim Party
Elly was an avid fan of his hometown National Hockey League team, the Edmonton Oilers.
Elly at a Yom Hashoah Event
Since his arrival to the Museum in 2002, Elly has overseen planning of the annual Yom Hashoah Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at which we recognize and honor our cherished Holocaust Survivors.
The Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust, and to teaching the moral and ethical response to prejudice, hatred and indifference, for the benefit of all humanity.
For more information, visit
And, please visit us at 211 N. Record Street, Suite 100, Dallas, 75202.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Religious Conversions or Recruitment
Religions are beautiful, if every one gets it as Jesus intended, Mohammad wanted, Moses taught, Krishna explained, Nanak practiced, Buddha enlightened, Zarthustra showed or the native traditions point out... there would be no problem. All they wanted was a better world by following a few basic principles. They were looking at the end result and not the means. Religion is not the problem.
The purpose of religion is ......... Continued at:
The purpose of religion is ......... Continued at:
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